'Hi Fashion - Amazing | choreography by Matt Pardus'

01:32 Oct 1, 2021
'Hi Fashion - Amazing | choreography by Matt Pardus(https://facebook.com/mattpardus)  Dancers / X-STREET dance group: Matt Pardus, Hanka Sadílková, Martina Havlíčková, Bára Spurná, Klára Krebesová, Mery Hajasová, Michaela Píšová, Radka Syrvatková.  You can also check Matt´s new songs on https://www.facebook.com/mattpardus/app_178091127385!  Thanks for watching! And if You like my work feel free to subscribe this channel and \"like\" my fb pages! :)' 

Tags: sexy , Dance , NAUGHTY , routine , amazing , dancing , choreo , Class , praha , Prague , tanec , czech , CR , Choreography (Award Discipline) , Hi Fashion , matt pardus , pardus , x-street , matej kubec , centrum tance , hanka sadilkova , martina havlickova , bara spurna , justincredible team , jicteam , klára krebesová , mery hajasová , Michaela Píšová , Radka Syrvatková

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